
It’s about much more than catching fish.

Classes | Workshops | Presentations | Consultations

Fly fishing and its treasured literature are sources of deep reflection and self-understanding, offering enduring lessons about the choices, changes, and challenges we face at home, at work, and in our communities. Home Waters Guiding teaches and applies these lessons from the stream to help individuals and organizations reimagine purpose, clarify direction, find common ground, and achieve success.

The literature of fly fishing is an especially revealing lens for learning about ourselves, others, and the world, including our shared challenges and opportunities. Home Waters Guiding uses this literature, along with information from the fields of adult learning, psychology, leadership, and organizational studies, to explore the why of fly fishing—why it’s about much more than catching fish—and to discover and navigate your own “home waters”—where you’re truly yourself and at your best.

My teaching and instructional services adapt to different audiences, goals, and instructional formats including presentations, workshops, and short classes.

The Lessons of Fly Fishing – I can help you take a look at:

  • An Examined Life
  • Leadership
  • Career/Life Planning
  • Skills for Work and Lifelong Learning
  • Navigating Change and Life Transitions
  • Second Act of Adulthood
  • Finding Common Ground

“Each spring creek taught us something new, and we carried that idea back to other places, and so each stream was remade each time we fished it, increasingly familiar but always brand-new. Such backtracking, piecemeal approaches are not the quick way but are perhaps the most authentic. Indirection, I think, is the path of all intimate knowing. It is the way you come to learn both the places and people closest to the heart … even in those elusive parts that you will never come to understand—and you patch these together into a story you tell yourself that is all about why you love them.”

Ted Leeson, Jerusalem Creek: Journeys into Driftless Country

Home Waters Guiding is built on a set of core ideas that explain the far-reaching benefits of fly fishing and its literature.

As we work together to explore the lessons of fly fishing in relation to your own questions and challenges, Home Waters Guiding also draws on key principles of self-understanding and well-being that shape our personal and professional lives.

My approach is also rooted in three frameworks for lifelong learning, self-examination, and change:  

Adult Development

Transformative Learning

Analytic Psychology